Content of Application Form

How to make a difference

Where to find advices about the content? Documents: > Application template, Work Programs (to find challenges), Standard Evaluation Form: > Tips from EASME > Tips from NCP Tips from EASME – IMPACT generate revenues and create jobs – superior objective market conditions evolution of the competition european or international dimension intellectual property […]

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What do they mean by executive summary?

Successful Executive summary Keep it short and simple! Strip away redundant content to focus on the core message. Any layperson who reads your executive summary should clearly understand who you are and what you company does, what you aim to sell, what are the objectives of the proposed project and, how you are going to […]

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How my dream application should look like?

Summary “How my dream application should look like” Clearly describe what we offer/our solution for end user need Objectives jave to be measurable (not percentage) Describe benefits for the company and EU economy Describe results of the project, which are beneficial for end users and clients Do market research and see the compatition (what is […]

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What is expected in section Implementation – Ph1?

Team Template ** Describe your team and their achievements and experience in relation to the approach you will be taking. ** Describe the roles of the team within your project. What is the role of the company’s owner(s)? What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the team? ** If your project is to be […]

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What is expected in section Implementation – Ph2?

ADVICE FOR IMPLEMENTATION SUB-SECTIONS IN TEMPLATE TEAM Template ** Describe your team and their achievements and experience in relation to the approach you will be taking. ** Describe the roles of the team within your project. What is the role of the company’s owner(s)? What are the main strengths and weaknesses of the team? ** […]

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What is expected in section Impact?

ADVICE FOR IMPACT SUB-SECTIONS IN TEMPLATE ENTERING THE MARKET 1/4 Template ** Who are the targeted users and/or customers and why will they want to buy your product/ service (unique selling point)? ** Are they new or already part of your customer base? What is your relation with them (e.g. market survey, testing/feedback, letters of […]

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Research for prior art

Strategic intelligence for patents State of the Art Freedom to use Potential new technology areas Key players – now and who is looking for the future! Market Intelligence Competitor intelligence Technology intelligence Finding commercialisation partners Why patents? They represent the largest freely available technical publication resource; Patents are often the only publication on a subject; […]

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What is expected in section Excellence?

ADVICE FOR EXCELLENCE SUB-SECTIONS IN TEMPLATE CHALLENGE AND SOLUTION 1/2 Template ** Describe the identified customer pain point? What is the business need, technological challenge or market opportunity? ** What is your innovation? Evaluation criteria High-risk/ High-potential idea that has something that nobody else has. It should be better and/or significantly different to any alternative. […]

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Do you have any tips for my application?

General Tips Writing to investors: when preparing your proposal, think of your evaluator as if he / she was an investor. Ensure that the proposal includes all the details presented in your company’s investor presentation. Form and content: Bear in mind that form matters: take the time to review and polish the language. You can […]

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Participants Template ** a description of the legal entity and its main tasks, with an explanation of how its profile matches the tasks in the proposal; *a curriculum vitae or description of the profile of the persons, including their gender, who will be primarily responsible for carrying out the proposed activities; *a brief description of […]

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